
Minnesota ‘Accidentally’ Legalizes THC Edibles

Minnesota passed a bill legalizing hemp-derived THC edibles and beverages for people 21 and over, with some Republican lawmakers saying later they misunderstood the bill and thought it only applied to milder, delta-8 THC products, which are already allowed under federal law. What do you think?

Wanda Kissel, Packaging Innovator

“We’re just a few dozen fuckups away from affordable healthcare.”

Wanda Kissel, Packaging Innovator

Akeim Winslow, Aquarium Cleaner

“This is what happens when you don’t keep your state resolutions clearly labeled.”

Akeim Winslow, Aquarium Cleaner

Pablo Nepinak, Numerical Tool Programmer

“Ignorance is no excuse for doing the right thing.”

Pablo Nepinak, Numerical Tool Programmer