
Media Credibility In Question

Last month, CNN retracted a story falsely accusing the U.S. military of using nerve gas on Vietnam defectors. Three weeks ago, The Cincinnati Enquirer printed a front-page apology to Chiquita for an exposé based on information gathered in an “unlawful and unethical” manner. The New Republic recently fired a staffer for quoting fictionalized sources in dozens of articles. What do you think about the credibility and accountability of the media?

Sandra Munson • Opthamologist

“As long as the anchorperson reads the entire press release, there should be no danger of inaccurate reporting.”

Sandra Munson • Opthamologist

Chris Dent • Data Technician

“I, too, have been burned by the media. You’d think if it says, ’Petite SWF, 22,’ she wouldn’t look like Delta Burke.”

Chris Dent • Data Technician

Richard Nettles • Architect

“I recently read a report in

Richard Nettles • Architect

Keith Chambliss • Florist

“Aw, who cares? It’s not like a well-informed public was essential to the functioning of a democracy or anything.”

Keith Chambliss • Florist

Vanessa Jackson • Piano Teacher

“I wish journalism would return to its glory days, when principled, incorruptible men like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were in charge.”

Vanessa Jackson • Piano Teacher

Randall Guidry • Systems Analyst

“You know that anchorwoman Katie Dibble on Channel 12? She went to my high school, and I, like, totally fucked her.”

Randall Guidry • Systems Analyst