
Mayor Of Trenton Arrested

Trenton, NJ mayor Tony Mack was arrested on corruption charges Monday following an FBI sting operation in which he allegedly accepted $119,000 in kickbacks for selling city land to parking garage developers for below its assessed value. What do you think?

Graham Loveday • Credit Union President

“You’d think a guy named ‘Tony Mack’ would be more trustworthy.”

Graham Loveday • Credit Union President

Lance Frisch • Mess Cook

“I just hope that one day I can return to believing that parking garages are created through a perfect synergy of vision and integrity.”

Lance Frisch • Mess Cook

Grace Manousakis • Solderer

“I think the government is going to have a very tough time proving in court that any Trenton land is undervalued.”

Grace Manousakis • Solderer