
Mattel Debuts Barbie With Hijab

Mattel has debuted a Barbie based on Muslim-American fencer Ibithaj Muhammad, which features a hijab as well as a more muscular build than the standard doll. What do you think?

Stan Hummel • Shave Consultant

“I guess I’d just assumed Barbie had been Muslim this whole time.”

Stan Hummel • Shave Consultant

Scott Posner • Chronologist

“So now on top of the unrealistic body type, my daughter has to worry about her parry and riposte skills not measuring up to Barbie’s?”

Scott Posner • Chronologist

Caitlyn Apfel • Tesla Coil Inspector

“All dolls should be free to practice whatever religion my child chooses for them.”

Caitlyn Apfel • Tesla Coil Inspector