
Martha's Mess

Implicated in the ImClone trading scandal, Martha Stewart is now accused of illegally dumping her own company’s stock, as well. What do you think?

Linda Symanski • Realtor

“You’d think Martha, of all people, would know how to put those worthless old stock certificates to good use instead of just dumping them.”

Linda Symanski • Realtor

Benjamin Robison • Systems Analyst

“Have they built a jail cell strong enough to hold her?”

Benjamin Robison • Systems Analyst

Beth Atkinson • Graduate Student

“Poor Martha. She showed a lost and confused world how to spruce up those ho-hum wall sconces, and this is how we thank her.”

Beth Atkinson • Graduate Student

Frank Bergin • Contractor

Young Man “I really don’t think it’s right for us to act as Martha Stewart’s judge, jury, and executioner. Executioner will have to do.”

Frank Bergin • Contractor

George Adamle • Civil Engineer

“Funny, the Martha Stewart Living web site doesn’t mention anything about this.”

George Adamle • Civil Engineer

Norman Linn • File Clerk

“First the Catholic Church, now Martha. Who’s going to be left to make us feel bad about ourselves?”

Norman Linn • File Clerk