
Marathon Training Tips

Running a marathon is a major life goal for many people, but it takes precise planning and extensive training to succeed in the 26.2-mile-long race. Here are some training tips for marathon hopefuls:

Quit your job

Hire a personal trainer to make sure you’re training as expensively as possible

Make sure you have a pair of new, comfortable running clogs

Familiarize yourself with the course ahead of time so you’ll know how to direct ambulances to your location

Carbo-load with plenty of pasta the night before you consider entering a marathon

Try to run at least once before race day

Staying hydrated is important, so be sure to drink plenty of bodily fluids

Bear in mind that cramps are a signal you are about to die

Visualize your success and how good it will feel to accomplish something hundreds of other people will accomplish before you that day

Driving 26.2 miles is also an accomplishment of sorts

Be sure to check with your doctor whether you have any health problems that could give you any excuse whatsoever not to do this