Man Wishes There Wasn't So Much Blank Room On Anniversary Card

NORWALK, CT—Citing an unfortunate lack of preprinted text to assist him, local man Nick McKean told reporters Wednesday that he wished there wasn’t so much blank space on the anniversary card he bought for his wife. “There’s only one line, and it’s in this small font,” said McKean, 38, adding he now regretted not purchasing one of the cards that had three full stanzas of poetry when he had the chance. “I could just write really huge, but that’s going to look obvious. Maybe I can write normally but leave more space between the lines? Man, why didn’t I just go with the card that had a huge picture of a rose in it? That thing took up half the card all by itself.” At press time, an exasperated McKean still had a large patch of empty space remaining and had begun filling it with several rows of XO’s.