
Man Thrown Out Of Club For Touching Stripper’s Heart

PENSACOLA, FL—After multiple violations resulted in the man being forcibly escorted from the establishment Thursday, sources reported that area man Stewart Quillings, 32, was thrown out of a strip club for allegedly touching a stripper’s heart. “He was told several times not to get close to the dancers, but he just kept doing it, asking them about their families and encouraging them to follow their dreams,” Escapes Gentlemen’s Club bouncer Reg Morris said of the deeply empathetic man who “got a little too friendly” with the performers as he listened without judgment to stories of their upbringings and the life circumstances that brought them to find employment as exotic dancers. “We protect our girls here. You don’t get to just waltz in and make them feel emotionally vulnerable. They’re professionals who are here to do a job, and the last thing they need is some guy from off the street giving them a bunch of warmth and compassion.” At press time, Quillings had reportedly reentered the club after learning a code word that would allow him access to a private room in the back where, for $500, he could spend an hour touching a stripper’s heart as much as he liked.