
Man Shopping For Cheap Sunglasses Troubled By Reviews Calling Sunglasses Cheap

SEATTLE—Expressing disappointment in the apparent lack of quality, a local man shopping online for cheap sunglasses Monday reported that he felt troubled by reviews calling the sunglasses he was looking at cheap. “I just wanted to buy some shades for a very, very small amount of money, but every time I find ones I like, there are all these user comments suggesting they’re poorly made,” said 30-year-old consumer Mark Anderson, scrolling through pages of one- and two-star ratings that described a pair of $15 sunglasses he had considered purchasing as “flimsy” and “a piece of sh*t.” “That’s disheartening, because the price sure is right. I see a lot of negative reviews with photos where the sunglasses are missing a lens or snapped in half, and I definitely don’t want to throw away 10 bucks or more on something like that. The weirdest part is that pretty much all the sunglasses in this price range seem to have similar issues.” At press time, sources confirmed Anderson had resolved to pay a little bit more to ensure he got something of higher quality and had purchased a $600 pair of Ray-Bans.