
Man Drinking Beer At 7:30 A.M. On Bus May Be Onto Something

CHICAGO—Saying they felt inspired by the resourcefulness and ingenuity of a fellow commuter, onlookers reported Monday that a man drinking beer at 7:30 a.m. on a city bus might be onto something. “Here’s a person who, by all appearances, has absolutely no anxiety about tackling the day,” said bus rider Alex Darvey, adding that he took the number-8 Halsted route to work every morning and had rarely seen anyone have as much fun as the man openly taking sips from a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve. “Honestly, he seems to be the only person enjoying this bus ride. I don’t know if he’s heading into work or what, but from the looks of things, this guy isn’t suffering from any of the stress or boredom I feel during my commute. Maybe all I’ve needed all this time is a little something to take the edge off. And look, he’s even managing to catch a quick nap!” At press time, Darvey was seen picking up a cream-cheese bagel and a bottle of vodka on his way into the office.

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper