
Male Millennials More Likely To Live With Parents

According to a new study, 36 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 31 lived with their parents in 2012, with 4 in 10 male millennials still living at home as compared to 32 percent of females. What do you think?

Troy Daniels • Naturopathic Physician

“What kind of loser gets subjected to rampant unemployment and the skyrocketing cost of living?”

Troy Daniels • Naturopathic Physician

Jeff Sheldrick • Cigar Roller

“Yes! I always knew I was in the vanguard of a dawning trend.”

Jeff Sheldrick • Cigar Roller

Shirley Fox • Inventory Clerk

“Of course my 25-year-old son needs to stay at home. Who is going to massage my calves and cut the stray threads off my area rugs?”

Shirley Fox • Inventory Clerk