
Making The Most Of Your College Tour

Spring is the time of year when high school students visit college campuses to tour facilities, sit in on classes, and ask questions of current students to determine if the school is right for them. Here are some tips for making the most of your college tour:

Simulate an actual classroom experience by scheduling to sit in on a lecture and then skipping it at the last minute

Meet with the school mascots to determine whether they can get you fired up

Talk to students on campus to see where they would have rather gone

Don’t ask any questions; people will think you’re stupid

Virtual visits on school websites can give you a feel for which aspects of campus life are the most marketable

Sit in on a few board of regents meetings to learn what it’s actually like on campus

Check with the campus bookstore to make sure it will still have lanyards left when you arrive in the fall

Be sure to check out the local bars and restaurants to find out the best places to get a job when you graduate