
Majority Of Seabirds Have Ingested Plastic

An analysis of ecological models has found that over 60 percent of seabird species across the globe have plastic in their digestive system, a figure that could rise to 99 percent by 2050 if current pollution trends continue. What do you think?

Wendell Price • Racket Stringer

“At least somebody’s doing their part to keep the beaches clean.”

Wendell Price • Racket Stringer

Louis Barnes • Industrial Roofer

“If birds are too stupid to adapt to an uninhabitable environment, that’s their problem.”

Louis Barnes • Industrial Roofer

Mindy Parra • Mortgage Approver

“We all need to band together to prevent the state of our planet from becoming a ubiquitous, unstoppable conversation.”

Mindy Parra • Mortgage Approver