
Macy’s Announces Store Closures, Layoffs

Following a sluggish holiday season and seven consecutive quarters of losses, Macy’s plans to shutter 63 of their locations and lay off 10,000 workers this spring. What do you think?

Monique Lasser • Systems Analyst

“That’s my bad. I haven’t bought a thing from any of those 63 locations in months.”

Monique Lasser • Systems Analyst

Dominic Dyrda • Spatula Packager

“Macy’s was always my favorite department store to walk through on my way to Wetzel’s Pretzels.”

Dominic Dyrda • Spatula Packager

Keith Finnegan • Drawer Repairman

“I knew the heady thrill of shopping local would have consequences.”

Keith Finnegan • Drawer Repairman