
M.I.A. Denied Visa

British rapper M.I.A. was denied a visa to the U.S., purportedly for her support of the Sri Lankan terrorist organization the Tamil Tigers. What do you think?

Jackie Sherman • Bar Back

“Hear, hear! In America, we believe that rap music should only be used to convey non-violent messages about getting parties started in the correct fashion.”

Jackie Sherman • Bar Back

Scott Riess • Acrobat

“I want her to come to America, but only so I can make her look me in the eye and tell me why she would embolden our enemies with controversial lyrics like ’blaze a blaze, galang a lang a lang a lang.’”

Scott Riess • Acrobat

Seth Lalley • Systems Analyst

“She supports terrorists? Well, I know one artist whose music I will not be illegally downloading.”

Seth Lalley • Systems Analyst