
London Cab Drivers’ Brains Being Studied For Alzheimer’s Research

Alzheimer’s researchers are studying the brains of London cab drivers, who have to memorize 25,000 streets and landmarks, after MRI scans show that the parts of their brain that handle memory grew over time. What do you think?

Dennis Fecke, Urine Sample Provider

“It’s pretty impressive to always remember how to drive too.”

Dennis Fecke, Urine Sample Provider

Ramona Satkin, Freelance Scapegoat

“Do Alzheimer’s researchers need to get to Piccadilly Circus or something?”

Ramona Satkin, Freelance Scapegoat

Qasim Leiby, Relaxation Guide

“Would love to hear if researchers come across any promising shortcuts.”

Qasim Leiby, Relaxation Guide