
London Bombings

London subways and buses have been targeted in two subway attacks in recent weeks. What do you think?

Joshua Banks • Veterinary Aid

“What? Did these madmen not hear the world denounce these acts just weeks ago?”

Joshua Banks • Veterinary Aid

Derrick Powers • Roofer

“Well, it certainly led to a lot of poorly Photoshopped crying lions and unicorns in my e-mail.”

Derrick Powers • Roofer

Dalia Lofton • Systems Analyst

“The sad thing is, London may now develop anti-Pakistani racism for the first time in its history.”

Dalia Lofton • Systems Analyst

Allen Ward • Nurse

“Whatever dangers London may face, I am confident that the strong leadership of Her Majesty the Queen can handle any challenge.”

Allen Ward • Nurse

Carolyn Allen • Fire Inspector

“Are the Brits flying into a blind rage and invading an oil-producing country for no reason? Well, why not?”

Carolyn Allen • Fire Inspector

Rodney Price • Daycare Operator

“As an Irishman, I think whoever’s behind this should be found and punished if it isn’t us.”

Rodney Price • Daycare Operator