Lie-Detector Tests For Congress

The FBI wants members of Congress to take lie-detector tests in an investigation of leaked information regarding the Sept. 11 attacks. What do you think?

“I only support lie-detector tests for lawmakers if the questions are funny and embarrassing.”

John Pulliam • Forklift Operator

“I hope they also get to the bottom of who has been taking Sen. Hagel’s Diet Cokes from the fridge. It happened again today.”

Tom Allenby • Senator

Young Woman “At last, Stage Three: out-of-control finger-pointing.”

Robyn Saunders • Graduate Student

“Are we going to treat our legislators like common white-collar criminals?”

Dana Wertheimer • Homemaker

“Each time one of these lie-detector tests is given, it costs taxpayers $12,000. Okay, I just totally lied about that.”

Richard Leach • Systems Analyst

“All along, I’ve been saying Congress was involved in Sept. 11. But did anyone listen? No. Instead, I’m just dismissed as that crazy guy who lives under the overpass and shits in a KFC bucket.”

Edgar Wigand • Unemployed