Legalizing Mexican Labor

Last week, President Bush promised illegal Mexican immigrants a worker program to legalize their labor in the U.S., but not blanket amnesty. What do you think?

“You have to admire Bush’s firm resolve to get American tables bused in an efficient, legal manner.”

Dan Hunt • Systems Analyst

“As a fifth-generation Italian-American, I am opposed to any and all immigration.”

Gloria Goelz • Homemaker

“I have been iffy on Mexicans ever since El Macho, the Thief of Hearts, stole away my lover true. Curse you, El Macho!”

Peter Whitmire • Roofer

“Let’s get our parameters straight here: Are we talking about the kind of Mexicans who get into knife fights, or the kind that smile and refill your drink?”

Marty Clash • Electrician

“So Bush is not offering amnesty, but he

Richard Nelson • Stockbroker

“If the Mexicans are legalized, they can still be exploited, right?”

Donna Gold • Researcher