Kobe Bryant Case Dismissed

Last week, prosecutors dropped the felony sexual-assault charge against basketball star Kobe Bryant. What do you think?

“Well, there you have it. The system works.”

Sandy Miller • Teacher

“All you people who have been clamoring for a pro athlete who’s not a convicted felon, here’s your man.”

Amy O’Keefe • Studio Musician

“At last, Kobe is vindicated before the eyes of the nation: He’s not a rapist; he just constantly cheats on his wife.”

James Tompkins • Lawyer

“He’s still guilty of losing to the no-name Detroit Pistons in the NBA Finals.”

Eric Mills • Chef

“Every time a black man gets famous, they try to drag him down. But every time a woman asserts herself, they call her a slut. So I’m torn.”

Michael Bartko • Systems Analyst

“Could they at least tell us if he did it or not?”

Jeffrey Larsen • Mayor