Kinky Girlfriend Wants To Try Sexual Pleasure Tonight

TULSA, OK—Saying that the admission represented a momentous new step in their relationship, advertising salesman Vince Fergus, 26, confirmed Wednesday that his “kinky” girlfriend had expressed interest in experiencing sexual pleasure later tonight. “I mean, I guess I’m game for whatever, but I just never thought of Jessie as the type of girl who would be into that sort of thing. She’s always seemed so normal and straight-laced,” said Fergus, who confessed he’d never experimented with providing sexual pleasure for any of his previous girlfriends, but insisted he was “down to experiment” and would be willing to broaden his physical horizons with his current partner as long as it was done carefully and with respect. “Honestly? I don’t know where she even found out about this stuff. She must have read something about it online. Of course I trust her, but I’m a little nervous—one of my buddies said he tried this type of thing with his girlfriend once, and it was kind of freaky and gross. They broke up right after that.” Fergus was later overheard admitting that his stomach dropped when his girlfriend added she’d also be interested in experimenting with foreplay.