
Kate Moss In Trouble

Kate Moss lost her contracts from H&M;, Burberry, and Chanel last week when a London tabloid published photos of the supermodel doing cocaine. What do you think?

Tobias Seifert • Restaurateur

“We should not rush to judgment. How do we know it was Kate Moss in that photo, and not one of the millions of young women who’ve been pressured by the media into looking exactly like her?”

Tobias Seifert • Restaurateur

Suzanne Herdinger • Manicurist

“It reminds me of the time that I was never asked to be the face of Lancome cosmetics because I was too ugly.”

Suzanne Herdinger • Manicurist

Tim Geraldi • Phlebotomist

“She was using it medicinally. It’s the only thing that can make her expression change.”

Tim Geraldi • Phlebotomist