Jose Canseco Composes Opera About Steroids

NEW YORK—Just days after the publication of Vindicated, his second book concerning the use of steroids in professional baseball, former steroid-using baseball player and current steroid-awareness advocate Jose Canseco has debuted La Anabolica, an opera concerning the use of steroids in professional baseball. “I’ve done books, interviews, public speaking appearances, improv, and theater-in-the-round on the theme of steroids, and I was looking for something fresh and new, ” Canseco said from the stage of the Met. “I think my libretto—especially the climactic scene in which fair Don Giambi is tempted to use the magic golden steroids to defeat evil knights Die Rosensox and their enchanted beast Il Monsto Verde—is exactly what is needed to bring the message of steroids in baseball to a new audience.” Critics have not been kind to La Anabolica, noting that “the lyrics mostly consist of the word ’steroids’ chanted over and over” and that “the ending, which occurs as a steroid-enhanced fat lady sings, is doubly and almost impossibly clichéd.”

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