Joe DiMaggio's Diary Just A List Of Things, People He Hated

NEW YORK—Upon closer examination, a 2,400-page, 29-volume diary kept by New York Yankees centerfielder Joe DiMaggio from 1982 to 1993 is merely a listing of all the things and people the Hall of Famer hated, archivists charged with determining the diary’s authenticity reported Monday. “Jukeboxes, dollar stores, Paul Simon, Washington, D.C., speaking, Garth Brooks, myself, and automobiles. Also sore throats, Yogi Berra, films, Lee Iacocca, coffeemakers, anyone who has ever referred to me as ’Joltin’,’ sandals, baseball,” read the entry dated July 14, 1992. “I hate all of that. Plus my neighbor Janet, who is another one of those hateful attractive blondes.” In an entry from Nov. 15, 1987, DiMaggio wrote that last names that include two capital letters were “frustrating” and “something I hate.”