
Jeff Sessions Proposes Reviving D.A.R.E. Program

Attorney General Jeff Sessions reportedly wants to revive the 1983 Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, although many studies have questioned its effectiveness. What do you think?

Mark Tanouye • Bottle Pressurizer

“A hip, charismatic rockstar like Jeff Sessions could be just the thing to get teens interested in anti-drug education again.”

Mark Tanouye • Bottle Pressurizer

Patrick Scollins • Mail Thief

“Shouldn’t we at least fail at a couple more new ideas before going back to something we already know doesn’t work?”

Patrick Scollins • Mail Thief

Johanna Levy • Part-Time Castellan

“Why not? It kept me off the junk between fifth and seventh grade.”

Johanna Levy • Part-Time Castellan