Is The President Above The Law?

Last week, President Clinton’s Whitewater business partner was sentenced to three years in prison, while the president avoided standing trial. Days later, Attorney General Janet Reno announced she would not order an investigation of Clinton’s questionable 1996 election fund-raising. Should presidents in some cases be exempt from prosecution?

“Presidents should be held accountable for all their actions. Except shoplifting. That’s no big deal.”

Felicia Koonce • Systems Analyst

“I still think they should have made Gerald Ford stand trial for strangling that hooker.”

Tyler Grieg • Chiropractor

“When I was president of the River Valley Birdwatchers Club, I had free reign. I was fuckin’ unstoppable.”

Ryan Sturbridge • School Psychologist

“Clinton should go to jail for Whitewater ’cause he’s a fag-lovin’, pot-smokin’, womanizing draft dodger. Do you ride this bus often?”

Nevin Vance • Bartender

“Bill Clinton is still a young man. If any of these crimes should end up on his permanent record, it may limit his options later in life.”

Donna Moreland • Sculptor

“In a democratic society like ours, only one man is above the law. I speak, of course, of box-office action champ Steven Seagal.”

Tim Brundage • Chemical Engineer