
Iraq Troops Complain

Last week, troops complained to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about extended deployments and poor equipment. What do you think?

Joy Parks • Systems Analyst

“The inability to leave a war zone and lack of safety are the two

Joy Parks • Systems Analyst

Neil Dawson • Farmworker

“I’m so confused. In times of war, should I support the troops or the president?”

Neil Dawson • Farmworker

Dustin O’Brien • Fire Fighter

“Don’t they know about the military’s ’don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy on the ’when do we get to go home?’ question?”

Dustin O’Brien • Fire Fighter

Lewis Richards • Lab Supervisor

“If those troops keep griping and grousing, I don’t think they’re going to be named

Lewis Richards • Lab Supervisor

Clinton Rhodes • Film Editor

“Years from now, our troops will look back at the war in Iraq and wonder why they haven’t been allowed to go home yet.”

Clinton Rhodes • Film Editor

Heidi Williamson • Teacher

“Man, all the troops do these days is bitch, bitch, die unnecessarily, and bitch.”

Heidi Williamson • Teacher