
Iraq Hostages

Extremists in Iraq continue to use hostage-taking to convey their message, leaving much of the world wondering what can be done. What do you think?

Carl Preston • Systems Analyst

“Why don’t we make hostage-taking punishable by the death penalty? Then everyone would think twice before doing it.”

Carl Preston • Systems Analyst

Dave Rudd • Clerk

“I’ll tell you, I’m about six or seven beheadings away from demanding some answers about what’s going on in Iraq.”

Dave Rudd • Clerk

Roger Monroe • Firefighter

“I’d like to think that if the situation were reversed, we here in Schaumburg wouldn’t treat our hostages this way.”

Roger Monroe • Firefighter

Dora Drucker • Lawyer

“If I ever got beheaded, I would make sure the geyser of blood would stain my captors’ clothing so they’d have to throw it out. Take that, terrorists!”

Dora Drucker • Lawyer

Bea Larson • Public Official

“As a State Department official, let me say that bargaining with terrorists is unacceptable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for the hostages.”

Bea Larson • Public Official

Chet Johnson • Civil Engineer

“We should just shoot ’em all and let God sort ’em out. That’s God, mind you, not Allah.”

Chet Johnson • Civil Engineer