
Invading Iraq

Determined to oust Saddam Hussein, President Bush has been attempting to rally support for an invasion of Iraq. What do you think?

Rich Dobbs • Truck Driver

“The time to invade Iraq is now. If we wait, cooler heads might prevail.”

Rich Dobbs • Truck Driver

Douglas Glass • Dentist

“Ousting Saddam would at long last pave the way for a corrupt, unstable, pseudo-democratic puppet government with friendly ties to Washington.”

Douglas Glass • Dentist

Chuck Barker • Landscaper

“Even Brent Scowcroft is against this, and that guy spends his weekends pipebombing puppy kennels.”

Chuck Barker • Landscaper

Marty Ross • Systems Analyst

“Well, I’m against it, but I’m probably in the minority, along with many Republicans, all non-Republicans, and the entire rest of the world.”

Marty Ross • Systems Analyst

Rachel Weitz • Student

“Isn’t it funny how people say they’ll never grow up to be their parents, then one day they look in the mirror and they’re moving aircraft carriers into the Gulf region?”

Rachel Weitz • Student

Maria Davillo • Painter

“After all Bush has done for us, can’t we let him have just this one thing?”

Maria Davillo • Painter