Into The Home Stretch

The presidential election is less than a week away, with polls indicating a virtual dead heat between Bush and Gore. What do you think?

“I’m not voting. Clinton has been doing a great job, so why bring in some new guy?”

Glen Eyers • Engineer

“I was going to vote for Gore until I found out he was losing.”

Neil Kuberra • Cook

“My vote for Ralph Nader will send this country a powerful message: Bush is a bad president.”

Paula Buechner • EMT

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so emotional. It’s just that, well, this time of year I really miss John Chancellor.”

Lena Levenhagen

“Which candidate is going to tax soda? Neither? Looks like I’m back to square one.”

Cory Morrow • Usher

“Everyone’s making such a fuss about it being the closest election in years, but what did they expect from the closest candidates in years?”

Christopher Rich • Systems Analyst