
Internet Pedophilia Crackdown

A multinational police team plans to patrol Internet chatrooms as part of a crackdown on child pornography and pedophilia. What do you think?

Thomas Barnes • Systems Analyst

“Police will be patrolling the Internet? They’ll need to get the nation’s top men on it— Readyman, Chillycheez, SatanicMechanic, and maybe even BeeBop77.”

Thomas Barnes • Systems Analyst

Sonya Treat • Market Researcher

“It’s about time. As a market researcher, I’m sick of perverts in chatrooms propositioning me whenever I pretend to be an 11-year-old girl.”

Sonya Treat • Market Researcher

Douglas Emery • Laborer

“This is great news. I find child pornography sickening, but I

Douglas Emery • Laborer

Daphne Sports • Sales Representative

“An international anti-child-porn force would dramatically increase the possibilty of authorities rappelling in through skylights, which is good.”

Daphne Sports • Sales Representative

Jason Diaz • Painter

“Shouldn’t we be fighting terrorism, and not doing anything about anything else?”

Jason Diaz • Painter

Eric Rhodes • Manager

“That’s going to be yet another weird government office to accidently wander into.”

Eric Rhodes • Manager