Internal Revenue Disservice

The IRS has come under fire recently for allegedly secretly encouraging its agents to target and harass those who make under $20,000. What do you think?

“Of course the IRS harasses poor people. Have you seen any? They’re absolutely disgusting.”

Teri Altshuler • Realtor

“You’re telling

Tom Pulsipher • Stockbroker

“By saving my receipt, I was able to write off the wheelchair I bought after IRS agents came and shattered my kneecaps with an aluminum bat. That’s smart money management.”

Mel Utrillo • Math Teacher

“People should make sure to check the ’no’ box on the 1040 form where it asks, ’Would you like to have your home raided in the middle of the night by armed federal agents?’”

Harriet Crisp • Cashier

“As a gun-toting survivalist living in backwoods Idaho, I naturally oppose everything the IRS stands for. Would you like to try some of my home-cured bear jerky?”

Doug Landsman • Carpenter

“If you don’t like the way this country’s unfair tax structure favors those who make over $70,000 a year, why don’t you just move to Canada, where the taxes are slightly higher but the average citizen is far better off? Hey, wait a second.”

Fred Wallach • Systems Analyst