Illinois Corruption Timeline

The controversy surrounding Illinois senator Roland Burris is only the latest chapter in a long history of political corruption in the Land of Lincoln. Here is a partial timeline of scandals that have plagued the state.

1865: Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln moved from its original location in Kentucky

1871: The Great Chicago Fire spreads quickly after every firehouse in the city is discovered to be either empty or manned by incompetent, low-paid chimpanzees

1913–1917: Renowned for his moral rectitude, Gov. Edward “Upstanding Ed” Dunne embezzles just $55,000 while in office

1956: Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley shifts the proposed interstate route to separate his neighborhood from the adjoining black neighborhood, but has it jog slightly to the left to keep a favorite pie restaurant on his side

1983: Chicago City Council member Bernard Stone stirs up opposition to African-American mayor Harold Washington in a rousing speech beginning with the famous words, “In my day…”

1995: U.S. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski starts practice of going up to random people, saying “Nice watch,” and hanging around for a while

2003: After being dared by a group of visiting mayors, a drunken Mayor Richard M. Daley orders downtown Chicago airport Meigs Field torn up in the dead of night, just to prove he can