
IBM Supercomputer Becomes Chef

At a meeting with investors this morning, IBM demonstrated its advanced artificial intelligence system Watson, which famously beat two champions at Jeopardy! in 2011, by serving a pastry dish that was created by the supercomputer as part of the company’s pitch to show off the machine’s broad range of capabilities. What do you think?

Christine Botsford • Unemployed

“There are some culinary tricks you just can’t program, like knowing the precise moment when to take the pizza rolls out of the oven.”

Christine Botsford • Unemployed

Russell Towler • Land Surveyor

“How come my computer just lies around the house all day?”

Russell Towler • Land Surveyor

Pieter Wexler • Sawmill Laborer

“Yeah, but they’re still years behind in developing a machine to compete with Ken Jennings’ boyish good looks.”

Pieter Wexler • Sawmill Laborer