
Huge Milestone: Bethesda’s New Role-Playing Game ‘Starfield’ Will Be The First Video Game Set In Space

Our heads are still spinning from this year’s E3 press conferences, but one game in particular is really sticking with us: Bethesda’s recently announced RPG Starfield is poised to redefine the possibilities of the medium as the first-ever video game set in outer space.

Wow. Just wow.

Space is the sort of never-before-seen environment that was likely impossible to render in previous generations. The holy grail of video gaming, so to speak. But with the technological power of the Xbox Series X, we’re going to see not only the reaches of space beyond Earth’s atmosphere but also everything that comes with it. Spaceships. Lasers. And—holy cow—maybe even other planets!?

Gamers have been waiting for decades to see these sort of things depicted in video gaming, yet always wrote off the idea as a bold and improbable dream. But with the bold decision to set their game in outer space, Bethesda just made that dream come true in a big way. Now, we only have to see a video game set in a volcano world composed entirely of lava, and we’ll truly believe the impossible is possible. Thanks, Bethesda!