
How Twitter Is Trying To Retain Users

Twitter’s stock price has fallen in recent months amid growing concerns that the microblogging site is losing steam among users and having trouble finding a mainstream audience. Here are some ways the social network is planning to stay relevant, competitive, and attractive to new members:

Site to be made more PalmPilot-friendly

Racial slurs no longer factored into available number of characters

Removing cumbersome password protection to help users sign into their accounts quickly and easily

Getting a few celebrities to use Twitter

400 new followers gifted to anyone who doesn’t openly make the internet worse with every tweet

More powerful content delivery engine that allows users to tweet up to 5,000 times a second

The date users wished they had never joined Twitter now displayed alongside biographical information and location

Twitter employees encouraging family members to sign up

Users can now share Excel spreadsheets

Improving Twitter feeds by removing all exposure to thoughts and opinions of others