
Horoscope for the week of October 22, 1996

This house ain’t big enough for me and that damn lousy dog.

I gotta tell you, if that damn mutt takes another leak on the couch, I’m gonna kill the thing with my bare hands!

That dog is so stupid, I swear it’s gotta be the stupidest animal I’ve ever known.

Will you please shut that damn dog up? That damn mangy thing is driving me batty. Enough with the barking already!

I’ll kick you outta this damn house with the dog! How would you like that, you miserable little snot-nosed punk?

Don’t tell me that I scared the goddamn dog. I’m not going to let some goddamn dog tell me how to run my life!

C’mere, you goddamn dog! Come here right now, you frickin’ dog! You damn dog

That damn dog! Oooh, that damn dog! Oooh!

I’ll kill that dog, it’s got me so upset. I don’t think I’ve ever been so damn mad as I am right now at that stupid dog.

Knock over my ficus plant, will you, dog? Get that damn dog outta my house!

I’m asking you, who wanted the damn dog in the first place? It wasn’t me! I hate you and that stinking dog!

@#!! That dog! Oooh! @#*!!!