
Horoscope for the week of October 20, 2004

Strangely enough, the only people who remember seeing you at the scene are the eccentric professor, the lovely blonde reporter, the recently thawed caveman, and the hapless politician.

The forecast for your immediate vicinity is partly cloudy, which will provide a welcome relief from the tiny thunderstorm that’s been following you around.

A judge once said he couldn’t define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it. That’s how you feel about paella.

You’re well on your way to setting a world record for receiving the world’s longest lap dance, but it’s been interfering with your work as an airline pilot.

If you’ve ever wanted to tour the world while being held against your will in a container ship, this is your lucky week.

You’ve often wondered who’s responsible for all this fucked-up shit, but that will change Thursday, when you’re hired to assist the Director of All This Fucked-Up Shit.

Most solid objects are actually composed of the spaces between the subatomic particles. Then there’s your gigantic fat ass.

Nothing can stop you now, but that’s a natural consequence of your not trying to do much of anything.

The world’s vulcanologists would appreciate it if you’d stop trying to take credit for anything and everything that happens at Mount St. Helens.

You’ll survive the incident, but for the rest of your life, you’ll be paralyzed with fear at the sight of cumulus clouds, blueberry pancakes, and hockey great Bobby Orr.

You’ll be a free man when the judge and jury are forced to agree that the goat had indeed dressed in a provocative manner.

Your career in immigration law is progressing satisfactorily, but you’re still eons away from Martian citizenship.