
Horoscope for the week of November 24, 1999

Sagittarius may be the archer, but if it could be any car, it’d be a Corvette.

Don’t be too quick to judge others this week. Except, of course, for figure skaters, with whom you have a long history of leniency.

You will experience a magical adventure in a world of beauty and wonder when your local Fox affiliate proudly presents the Robin Williams film

You can’t afford to turn your back on that collapsing romance or office building.

Please stop telling that tasteless joke about Linda McCartney. It wasn’t funny the first time.

Try not to take yourself too seriously this week. God knows nobody else does.

You will become a national celebrity this week when the government decides that you are the common enemy against whom the American people will unite.

The stars say you will go through some tough times later this week. What they’re not telling you, however, is just how tough, which is the really good part.

Next week sees the exciting return of Andrew, which is pretty darn exciting if you know him.

You know that wonderful, loving person who has been waiting so long to be let into your heart? Well, that sap isn’t about to go away any time soon.

Hold out for what you want this week, but be reasonable: If you get most of what you asked for, let the kids and the old folks go free.

Remember: “Look before you leap” doesn’t apply to situations like yours, in which the goal is dramatic suicide.