
Horoscope for the week of March 31, 1999

If the advice of the stars has still somehow failed to bring you happiness, don’t worry: There’s probably just something terribly wrong with you.

You will bring joy and laughter to an entire nation with what you thought was a tragic life story.

Take heart: Though nothing can ever bring back your dead loved ones, there are things that can get rid of your living hated ones.

Your life will be drab and gray until you discover that your stuffed animals can be posed in amusing sexual positions.

You will fall in love with a kindly Taurus just days before dying of a deadly Cancer.

Be assured that the gods of Love and Mercy have heard your pleas for help. They have taped them and enjoy playing them for big laughs at their god parties.

You will awaken from a deep, healing sleep to find yourself terribly hung over and covered in windshield glass.

The stars indicate that today is a good day to die. This is fortunate, considering what they have to say about tonight.

Don’t be so sensitive. Sometimes, when people say “big, fat, flaming asshole,” they really just mean “fat asshole.”

You will become an inspiration to thousands of teens thanks to your standout performance in

We’re sorry, but despite claims to the contrary, this is not the dawning of the Age Of You.

Your inner beauty makes you shine with the light of a million suns. That and the fact that you are a quasar in the constellation Draco.