
Horoscope for the week of April 5, 2000

You are loyal, friendly, and an excellent companion. This is not because you are an Aries, but because you are a purebred Sealyham Terrier.

Try to take the long view: No matter how bad things are right now, you’ll be dead in a hundred years.

You will enjoy a brief moment of national exposure when Fox launches its new series,

Be careful what you wish for this week. You won’t get it, but it never hurts to be careful.

You are a person who marches to the beat of thousands of identical drummers.

You will be forced to wrest control of your life from others next week. Until then, stay home and practice your wresting.

You will expand your consciousness to encompass the Music Of The Spheres, only to realize it consists entirely of circus marches.

You will be faced with a cosmic revelation which you are unable to fully comprehend. Don’t worry, though: You can always rent it again.

The stars, arranged as they are in a portentous and mystic combination existing only at this precise moment in time, indicate that this is not a good week to start new projects.

Try harder to make yourself understood by others this week by speaking louder and more slowly.

This is no time to sit idly by and let others exercise their will over you, but that’s exactly what you’ll do.

Not everyone harbors a feeling of icy hatred towards you. Some people’s hatred is actually quite fiery.