
HMOs And Birth Control

HMOs do not cover birth control, a fact that has angered many people in light of HMOs’ coverage of Viagra. What do you think?

William Ormond • Lawyer

“If HMOs are made to cover birth control, what’s next–diphtheria vaccinations?”

William Ormond • Lawyer

Lonnie Samms • Graphic Designer

“If HMOs refuse to pay for birth control, they should at least make up for it by performing as many unnecessary Caesarian sections as possible.”

Lonnie Samms • Graphic Designer

Samantha Eccles • Cashier

“My HMO didn’t cover birth control. Now they cover Brianna, Michael, Ashley, Renee, Devon and Jasmine.”

Samantha Eccles • Cashier

Alicia Donegan • Student

“That’s okay if HMOs won’t pay for birth control: Sheila says it totally makes you pork out.”

Alicia Donegan • Student

Chris Reiner • Personal Trainer

“HMOs should stop paying for cancer treatment, as well. That just encourages people to get cancer.”

Chris Reiner • Personal Trainer

Benjamin Schell • Math Teacher

“Birth control should not be covered because it’s a lifestyle choice. Viagra, on the other hand, saves lives.”

Benjamin Schell • Math Teacher