
High U.S. Incarceration Rates

The Justice Department reports that one in every 37 U.S. adults has been in prison, giving our nation the highest incarceration rate in the world. What do you think?

Joe Wengert • Waiter

“Look on the bright side—36 of us are free. USA! USA! USA!”

Joe Wengert • Waiter

Risa Woods-Tanouye • Receptionist

“I guess you can only talk about getting tough on crime for so long before you have to back it up with meaningless arrests.”

Risa Woods-Tanouye • Receptionist

Sarah Burns • Title Examiner

“Whoa. I’d better start cutting back on my citizen’s arrests.”

Sarah Burns • Title Examiner

Anthony King • Sound Engineer

“We should privatize prisons! Not because it would help the rate of incarceration. I’ve just always wanted to own a prison.”

Anthony King • Sound Engineer

Bret Christensen • Systems Analyst

“And did you know that half of the people currently serving time were prosecuted under the Anti-Skitching Act passed in 1978 to curb wintertime pranks?”

Bret Christensen • Systems Analyst

Lennon Parham • Underwriter

“But that can’t be. I easily know 37 people and… Oh, wait. I forgot my stint for vehicular homicide in the ’80s. Never mind.”

Lennon Parham • Underwriter