
HeartSmart Health Tips

In these hectic times, very few of us make an effort to take proper care of our bodies. Here are some tips to start you down the path of more healthy living:

Remove salt lick from den

Give your heart a well-deserved break—re-route circulatory system so your blood is pumped by your pancreas

Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean you can’t get some exercise; carry your desk with you on your lunch hour out

Implant back-up heart in ass; if heart fails, use back-up ass-heart

Avoid fruits—the bright colors can shock your system and strain heart

Use loud, forceful coughs to expel cholesterol from heart

Rape a wild boar

If you’re too full to finish your meal, don’t; save it in your cheeks until later

For 10 minutes a day, let deep-fried foods drain before eating

Remove heart each night and soak it in some Polident

Buy expensive exercise apparel until you don’t have enough money to eat

Reduce your fat intake; order your next hot fudge sundae without the ham chunks

Lunging at strangers with a bat can burn up to 100 calories an hour

Get the heart-healthy nutrients you need by eating the hearts of your enemies

Vigorously masturbate while watching aerobics videos

Become a butterfly