Great College Football Traditions

College football is as much about pageantry and fan involvement as it is about the game. Onion Sports takes a look at some of college football’s great traditions:

University of Kentucky: Fans show up at the stadium a little while before the game

UConn: Just moments prior to each contest, it is traditional for specially selected UConn players to participate in the fabled “coin toss”

Texas A&M: In a tradition called “yell practice,” the student populace is re-taught how to spell the word “defense” in an exhaustive two-hour pregame ritual

Iowa: Fans all wear black or yellow sweatpants

Opponents of Clemson: Each night before visiting teams face Clemson, they perform the traditional custom of urinating all over Howard Rock

Michigan State: Entire student body comes down onto the field after every game and runs in circles until they collapse from dizziness

Princeton: On the morning before every game, hordes of Tiger fans gather together to close their eyes tightly and imagine what it must have been like to win the first national championship

Stanford: Cardinal fans are too smart to believe they can affect the outcome of the game, so they do not do anything

Michigan: A new tradition this year, students, players, and fans will surely be pumped seeing former coach Bo Schembechler’s skull mounted above the home team’s sideline

Notre Dame: As they leave the locker room, players reverently touch a sign reading “Act Like A Smug Arrogant Bastard Despite Playing For A Drastically Overrated Team That Isn’t Even Ranked In The Top 25 Today”