
GOP Senator Says Maternal Death Rate Isn’t As Bad If You Don’t Count Black Women

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy is under fire after arguing that the state’s poor maternal mortality rate is only an “outlier” because of the high proportion of Black women, who are four times more likely to die during pregnancy than white women, and that the rate would be more standand if the numbers were corrected for race. What do you think?

Marco Glassman, Benefactor

“It sounds bad to discoun

Marco Glassman, Benefactor

Marina Freeman, Grievance Filer

“I don’t think this statement would be so offensive if it were corrected for racism.”

Marina Freeman, Grievance Filer

Charlton Steik, Tanning Consultant

“Come on, I’m sure all he meant is that he’s incredibly racist.”

Charlton Steik, Tanning Consultant