Goodell Tells Bills To Use Bye Week To See If Football Is Something They Really Want To Be Doing

BUFFALO, NY—Following another devastating loss to the Dallas Cowboys Monday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told the 1-4 Buffalo Bills to take time during their upcoming bye week to reflect on their season thus far and ask themselves if playing professional football is what they really want to be doing with their lives. “I’m not trying to push them in any particular direction,” Goodell told reporters after the game, which the Bills lost despite forcing six turnovers, ultimately finding themselves unable to field a last-minute onside kick. “As commissioner, it’s my job to put a quality product on the field each and every week and see that there is some kind of parity amongst the teams. I’ll be curious to hear, especially if they decide to continue playing, where the Bills think they fit into an NFL that is continuously getting more and more competitive.” Though most Bills fans were still too demoralized by Monday night’s loss to comment on Goodell’s request, those who talked to the media after the announcement said they “wouldn’t give a flying fuck if those losers played another fucking football game ever.”