
God Realizes He Forgot To Put Souls In Humans

THE HEAVENS—While pacing across His Eternal Kingdom on Friday, the Lord God Almighty, He Who Commanded Light to Shine out of Darkness, suddenly realized He had forgotten to provide human beings with souls, sources from on high reported. “I could have sworn I put souls in there, but apparently it never happened—I hope no one’s noticed,” said God, adding that it was probably too late to imbue mankind with an immortal spiritual essence now that billions of humans had already gone out the door. “I certainly meant to. Maybe I got sidetracked working on all the hands and feet and everything and just never came back to their souls. I created a whole bunch of other stuff that day, so who knows?” God later admitted He should have known He had forgotten something when, believing there was no more work to do, He was able to take the seventh day off entirely.