
Global Dementia To Triple By 2050

As quality of life improves around the world, the rate of dementia is on track to triple within the next 40 years, creating a financial burden on those caring for aging family members. What do you think?

Pam Chapman • Systems Analyst

“So the good news is that the quality of life increases, but the bad news is that the quality of life decreases?”

Pam Chapman • Systems Analyst

Lucas Smith • Butcher

“Uh-oh. I’d better sit down with my parents and have a talk with them about how terrible they were to me while they can still remember it.”

Lucas Smith • Butcher

Adam Hines • Board Mixer Tender

“That sounds like a problem for my brother. That guy loves taking on all our family’s stresses and yelling at us about them later. Go Dan!”

Adam Hines • Board Mixer Tender