
Girls Banned From Flight For Wearing Leggings

Two preteen girls were banned from a United flight for wearing leggings in violation of the airline’s dress code, actions that United has defended. What do you think?

Marvin Wenigar • Fossil Bleacher

“First they tell us we can’t destroy the smoke alarm in the bathroom, and now this?”

Marvin Wenigar • Fossil Bleacher

Jordan Laredo • Canister Pressurizer

“You can’t expect an airline to have such a broad, vague contract of carriage and not test it out every once in a while.”

Jordan Laredo • Canister Pressurizer

Evelyn Baskell • Illusionist Booker

“I’m with United on this one. This is air travel, not some pornography film!”

Evelyn Baskell • Illusionist Booker